Development goal
The project contributes to the improvement of quality of digital education in Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
Project objectives
Internal actors in organizations partners of the project have capitalized and disseminated experiences and initiatives about digitalisation of education in Great Lakes Region.
Teacher trainers in Protestant schools and universities have improved digital teaching and learning opportunities.
Parents, church leaders, and community leaders have become more aware of their role in promoting digital learning.

About to ReDiCo
Resilience of educational institutions through Digitalization – A reaction to COVID-19 (ReDiCo) in Great Lakes Region (ReDiCo) was founded in 2021 by a group of teachers and academics who shared concerns about the prevalence of passive, unreflective, dependent student learning, even in apparently successful lessons.

Our Vision
To promote the advancement of the educational experience for all participants through the use of technology and innovative thinking."

Our Mission
To assist schools in developing the best collaborative and creative learning environment possible through instructional technology and digital education, so that each teacher, student, parent and administrator can achieve the greatest educational return on investment
ReDiCo Project
Background ReDiCo Project
- In DRC and Rwanda, more 50% schools are run by churches
- Theatre of wars, conflicts within and between countries (DRC & Rwanda)
- Fragile education systems: Increased access but questions of internal efficiency
- Questions of equity and quality: Lack or limited competences
Rationale: Problems to address
- Limited digital pedagogical and didactical competences by teachers
- Limited access and familiarity of students to e-teaching and e-learning
- Weak collaboration between educational institutions in the region
- Etc
Institutions involved in the project
In five protestants institutions:
- Two universities:
- PIASS (Leading)
- Université Libre des Pays des Grands Lacs (ULPGL – Goma/DRC)
Three school coodinations
- BNEP/CPR – Rwanda
- Coordination Provinciale des Ecoles Conventionnées Protestantes au Sud-Kivu (CP-ECP – South Kivu/DRC)
- Coordination Provinciale des Ecoles Conventionnées Protestantes /Communauté Baptiste au Centre de l‘Afrique (CP-ECP/CBCA – North Kivu/DRC)
Target groups
- Direct: Teachers and students
- Indirect: parents, church and local community leaders
- Two universties: PIASS and ULPGL-Goma
- 18 pilot schools: 6 – 6 – 6 (respectively nursery, primary and secondary)
- 6 parishes
Project Domains
- Designing a curriculum of teacher training
- Assessments of devices: Internet, lapops, tablets, mobile phone
- Overview about existing approaches
- Overview and assessments of existing learning platform and decision what to do, when and how
- Equipping universities, and pilot schools/ Equipping parishes as hot spots